

Page history last edited by Monica 5 years, 5 months ago




Software Notes


Use JHOVE to confirm files are well formed and valid or identify errors. JHOVE works for a limited number for format types: AIFF, ASCII, BYTESTREAM, GIF, GZIP, HTML, JPEG, JPEG2000, PDF, PNG, TIFF, UTF8, WARC, WAVE, XML.


In April 2018, version 1.20 was released. This version is available on the Indus workstation. To install software on your desktop, request install from IT.


IMPORTANT: Must designate the proper module per format to receive accurate results. Sorting files into subfolders by type may facilitate testing.


Audit Summary Report (command line)



A directory of subfolders containing multple file types, primary WAV format


jhove -o Z:\FonScan\audio\audit.txt -h audit Z:\FonScan\audio\2010


-o output specifies the output file path and name

-h handler specifies the output handler.

Audit handler should be invoked against a directory (or directories). The handler produces an XML-formatted summary of all of the files in the directory.  Produces a quick report/overview of MIME types and validity status.


Note: the Audit report does not require a specific module statement when validating across multiple formats. However, if you use a module statement AND there are multiple file formats, this will result in a NULL error message.




Single folder of PDF files


jhove -k -m pdf-hul -o DIRECTORY\output.txt -h audit -krs DIRECTORY\SOURCE\FILES


-m specifies the format module

-o output specifies the output file path and name

-h handler specifies the output handler. Audit handler should be invoked against a directory (or directories). The handler produces an XML-formatted summary of all of the files in the directory

-k Calculate CRC32, MD5, and SHA-1 checksums

-r Display raw data flags, not textual equivalents

-s Format identification based on internal signatures only

Directory or folder of file(s) location 




Note on status values:

  • Valid = No errors found

  • Well-formed means Well-formed, but not valid = Error

  • Not well-formed = Error



Individual File Detail Reports (GUI)


To investigate errors from summary audit report, may run a detail report via the GUI.

  1. Open JHOVE
  2. Select proper module from the Edit menu


  • Note: Though there is the option “any”, local testing has shown that not picking the proper module results in missed error messages (i.e. the report will show the file as valid when it is not).


3. File > Open file > Select file



4. Example output




















  • See OPF JHOVE issues and error messages for list of possible errors (example: Improperly nested dictionary delimiters).
  • Though it may be possible to “fix” PDF errors using Adobe preflight feature, the better practice is to recreate the file from the source files (assuming the source files are free of errors). If the master file is corrupted, best to rescan the source material.


Individual File Detail Reports (CMD)

Example to show details per single WAV file

Z:\FonScan\audio>jhove -c  "C:\Program Files\jhove\conf\jhove.conf" -m WAVE-hul Z:\FonScan\audio\2010\ssm2010-01-11A\ssm2010-01-11A_disc01.wav



Additional resources


Bennett, Michael J., "Optimized Still Image Batch Processing of Special Collections Bound Monographs and Manuscripts Using DNG, JPEG 2000, and Embedded XMP Metadata" (2012). Published Works. 43. (see pages 19-20 for running JHOVE audit report via command line).


Getting Started with JHOVE.



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