
Removing Files from Repository

Page history last edited by 1 year, 8 months ago

If files need to be removed from a repository item (for example, incorrect file, low-resolution version), place a copy of the material in Y:\fondren-dss\dspace-removedItems.


  1. For each item, create a folder with a descriptive name (e.g., "Bray-Dissertation").
  2. Dowload file from repository record. Save in folder. 
  3. Include a .txt file labeled "Note" in the file that provides information about the content removed. At a minimum, include:
    1. Name of removed file
    2. Related Handle 
    3. Reason for removal
    4. Date of removal and name of person who removed file
  4. Export item from DSpace. Save zip folder in item folder.
  5. Delete file from repository. 


If you need to remove an entire item, please follow Fondren's IR Withdrawal Policy.

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