How to use Adobe Bridge to proof images

instructions based on CS5



  1. Under general tab (optional): can set background color that works well for you, in general recommended to choose a mid tone range (not too dark and not too light) that best allows you to visually distinguish the images you are proofing for quality
  2. Under Thumbnails (recommended): customize what metadata fields are displayed for each images. Recommend show the following fields per image:

  1. Under Metadata: Select fields to display by checking:



Note: not all images will have data in selected metadata fields. For example ‘copyright’ information will only appear if this information is manually recorded in the Tiff header. Flat bed scanners tend to have less information (such as EXIF technical data) than images captured using a digital camera, however still good practice to display common metadata fields for when data is available.



4. Options for thumbnail quality and preview generation:




5. Save settings by clicking the "apply" check mark in the lowest right hand corner of workspace


Steps for reviewing image quality

Overview key steps see Imaging QC Workflow


  1. Select document to be reviewed from archival box

  2. Update google tracking spreadsheet for object (wrc#) you are reviewing

  3. Open Bridge and navigate to object folder (under “Raw”)

  1. Thumbnails will appear under “content” panel

  2. For each image verify technical specs defined for the project are met


  1. Verify accuracy

  2. Review completeness

  1. Verify consistency


9.    Make corrective actions as needed. May include:

10.       Document any corrective actions in google spreadsheet

11.       When complete, transfer physical document to archival box for metadata processing

12.        Move object folder from “Raw” to “Master”