Purpose: To document handling of special cases so our local practices remain consistent throughout the project.
Content that spans multiple pages
General rule is to create (scan) one file per one side of a physical page
- For content or image that spans multiple pages (such as maps or tables), also create an extra file of the combined pages (aka "merge" the pages) to provide a single image of the entire map or table.
- The filename of the combined pages should include both page numbers with the word "and" (eg wrc00748_012and013)
- An access copy of this extra file should be created as an jpeg 2000 file type (.jp2)
- So in addition to the PDF access copy showing the complete text, also upload the jpeg 2000 file ( so two files are provided in the dspace record)
- see example : Merged Pages (wrc00748)
General rule is to scan all pages, including front, backs and blanks
- Exception for photocopies of newspaper clippings (or any item glued to a blank page) which are almost always blank on the reverse side.
Photocopies and flatbed area
General rule is to create a uniform border around each page image
- For scanners with smaller flatbed scanning area and if the document is a photocopy , then it's okay for the border to be non-uniform or no border at all, provided that all the text or content is visible.
- See examples:
Re-scans: matching dimensions
First note size of original page to the second decimal
Rescan page using Espon Scan Software
- Follow regular scanning steps to point of "preview" image
- To match original size, enter width and height values (from above step) in the Document size boxes (do not use "Target")
- Then in the preview panel, grab marquee (dotted line box) and drag to reposition capture area so that page appears in center
- Scan page
- Post scan: confirm page dimensions match other pages in document by viewing all pages in Bridge
Special Pagination
General rule: suffix part of a filename should match the page number as printed on the original text or assigned to match the original sequential order of pages (such as in manuscripts). See File naming conventions for more details on general rules.
- For any pages without a printed page number (or where the pages are not part of the main body text of the document with perhaps separate page numbering than the main body text), then alternative numbering scheme may apply. Below are filename suffix numbering options for common situations. Please consult project manager if you have any questions on determining suffix numbers for filenames.
- cover pages (eg front cover, spine and back cover) can be hardback or soft. Use filename suffix: _c01, _c02, _c03 ( if no spine, then back cover is _c02)
- front matter pages may include title pages, table of contents or blank pages. Use filename suffix: _f01, _f02, _f03, etc
- back matter pages may include things like indexes, appendixes, blank pages, etc. Use filename suffix: _b01, _b02, b03, etc
- inserted pages or other page that falls within the body of text without a printed page number, use the preceding page number plus an alpha character. Example:
- preceding page _001
- inserted page _001a
- following page _002
Tissue paper
ok to scan tissue paper so that the image of the following page is visible.
example: http://scholarship.rice.edu/bitstream/handle/1911/9251/aa00030_0002a.jpg?sequence=4
(See file-naming practices examples above)
Transparent paper
General rule is to use a black colored poster board as background for scanned page images
- For any original document of transparent paper, instead use a lighter colored background paper that better matches the color of the original document. This will prevent the black color from "bleeding" through the paper and discoloring the image. (hence improve color match to original document.)
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