AAT Terms

These Art and Architecture Thesaurus terms are for the Rice University Commencement Programs project


We will be using Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) terms selectively in order to identify noteworthy physical aspects of the items we are cataloging. We are not using AAT to identify the subject of the items (what the item is about, or what the item is a concept of). It may be useful to think of using AAT terms to identify the genre or form of an item.


AAT terms are hierarchical, so do not use two or more terms that are in the same branch of a hierarchy. For example, you would not assign the terms "ephemera" AND "printed ephemera" because they are simply broader and narrower terms for the same object genre. I've indicated this in the list below by indenting the terms. Using the AAT can be confusing to navigate. Please ask Jenn for help if you need some guidance.


Note: AAT terms are not capitalized (unless they actually contain a proper noun, but we aren't using any of those for this project)


Specific Uses




Easy-Reference Glossary : Terms you might use


Be sure and look in the actual Art and Architecture Thesaurus if you think these terms do not work for your item.