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Metadata registry

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The Metadata Registry is a comprehensive list of metadata fields available to Collection Administrators and Item Editors. Please see the repository application profile for detail guidelines on creating descriptive metadata.


Mandatory Elements

Available Elements (in Alphabetical Order)


Discontinued Elements


Mandatory Elements

The only mandatory elements required at a repository level are dc.title and dc.rights.__. However, projects may elect to mandate certain elements at a collection level. Check project documentation for details.


Available Elements (in Alphabetical Order)

See Legend below for more information



Description/Scope Note

dc.citation.bibtexName 3

Bibliographic citation field used for conference papers.

dc.citation.conferenceDate 3

Bibliographic citation field used for conference papers.

dc.citation.conferenceName 3

Bibliographic citation field used for conference papers.

dc.citation.issueNumber 3

Customization field used for structural display of collections.

dc.citation.journalTitle 3

Customization field used for structural display of collections.

dc.citation.location 3

Customization field used for structural display of collections.

dc.citation.pageNumber 3

Customization field used for structural display of collections.

dc.citation.firstpage3 Added for Faculty Publications, Google Scholar High Wire Meta Tag
dc.citation.lastpage3 Added for Faculty Publications, Google Scholar High Wire Meta Tag

dc.citation.volumeNumber 3

Customization field used for structural display of collections.

dc.citation.volumeYear Customization field used for structural display of collections. (Thresher, record academic year for each volume)


A person or group that contributed to the work. Qualified fields are recommended.


For list of qualifiers available for research datasets, please see Contributors for research data

dc.contributor.accompanist 3

A person or group responsible for musical accompaniment contained in an item.

dc.contributor.advisor 2

Use primarily for thesis advisor.

dc.contributor.architect A person or group responsible for creating architectural designs.

dc.contributor.arranger 3

A person or group responsible for musical arrangement of an item.

dc.contributor.assignee 3 Used exclusively in the Patent collection to denote assigning entities.


A person, organization, or service primarily responsible for the intellectual content of the item. Interchangeable with dc.creator but more precise.

dc.contributor.committeeMember 2

Used for thesis committee member.

dc.contributor.composer 3

A person or group responsible for musical composition of an item.

dc.contributor.conductor 3

A person or group responsible for conducting the musical performance of an item.

dc.contributor.donor 3

A person or group responsible for donation of archival document.


A person or group who prepared the work for publication.


A person or group responsible for granting funding for an item.


A person or group responsible for illustrations contained in an item.

dc.contributor.interviewer 3
Used for oral histories.

dc.contributor.lecturer 3

A person or group responsible for lecture accompanying musical performance contained in an item.

dc.contributor.org 3 An organization responsible for making some kind of substantial contribution to an item.


A person or group responsible for creating the photography contained in an item.




A person or group responsible for the publication of the original or physical document represented in the digital item.


A person or group responsible for translation of the originating document represented in the digital item.


Identifies a geographic location or temporal era associated with an item.


Identifies a geographic point by latitude and longitude.


Identifies a location associated with an item for spatial characteristics of content.


Identifies a time period associated with an item.


A person, organization, or service primarily responsible for the intellectual content of the item. If qualified fields are needed, use dc.contributor.___(qualifier)


A date associated with an event in the life-cycle of an item. Qualified fields are recommended.

dc.date.accessioned 1

Date the item was submitted to the repository.

dc.date.available 1

Date item became available to the public.


Date of copyright.

dc.date.created 2

Do not use. Exception : used for graduation date for theses/dissertations.


Date of digital creation if different from dc.data.issued

dc.date.filed 3
Used exclusively in the Patent collection to denote the filing date of patents.


Date of creation or manufacture of intellectual content or Date of original publication, presentation, or distribution. Use

Date and Time Formats (W3C-DTF) http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime/.

Field used for date browsing in DSpace.



dc.date.note 3 Used in TIMEA, MoH, HART collections. Otherwise, use dc.date.original instead (especially when source materials are stored in-house)


Textual field for describing the date or date range for original creation of intellectual content.

dc.date.submitted 1, 2

Date the item was submitted to the repository.

dc.date.updated 2

Used for graduation date for theses/dissertations.


Descriptive information not defined in other fields.


Abstract or summary of the item.



dc.description.fulltext 3
Used for transcription of advertising text in Chao Center collections.

dc.description.provenance 1

Records a system administrative event in the lifecycle of the item in the repository. Automatically generated by DSpace.  


Note from Tim Donohue' via DSpace Community: only tracks some major change (creation, withdraw, deletion) in the Item's "dc.description.provenance" fields. So, there's no way to query for historical change log information from the database.  The best option would be to look at your DSpace log files (if it was a relatively recent change or if you have historical log files) for the Item UUID, as you can find information in the logs on when that Item was accessed, updated, etc (and by which user).

dc.description.size 3
Used primarily for the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive collection.


Information about sponsoring agencies, individuals, or contractual arrangements for the item.


Statement of responsibility for the item. (MARC 245/$c, etc.)


A table of contents for an item.


Description about the translation practices for an item


Uniform Resource Identifier pointing to description of this item.

dc.description.version Primarily used in Faculty publication articles or Datasets


Describes technical specifications of how an item was digitized, migrated or created.


Qualified fields are recommended.

dc.format.digitalOrigin 2

may indicate the source of a digital file, acceptable values are either "born digital" or "reformatted digital" (source https://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/userguide/physicaldescription.html#digitalorigin)

Example: Used to distinguish legacy theses and dissertations from born digital submissions.

dc.format.extent 1

Size or duration of a file associated with an item. Automatically generated by DSpace at bitstream level.


Describes the general material form or physical carrier of the resource

dc.format.mimetype 1

MIME type associated with a file contained in the item. Automatically generated by DSpace at the bitstream level.

dc.format.original 1

Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.format.medium

dc.format.xmlschema 1, 3

XSLT stylesheet use to transform TEI/XML files to HTML for display purposes.


A standard number or code that identifies an item. Qualified fields are recommended.

dc.identifier.citation 1

Bibliographic citation for the item. Default method is based on Chicago Style. Automatically generated by DSpace. See more at IR citations


An unique number that identifies the digital object.

dc.identifier.doi Digital object identifier: http://www.doi.org/


Government Printing Office-supplied numeric identifier.

dc.identifier.grantID Grant identifier number, entered as: Grant number (Funder name)


International Standard Book Number


International Standard Music Number


International Standard Serial Number


A number that identifies a physical object (call number, archival manuscript collection)



dc.identifier.patentID 3
Used exclusively in the Patent collection to denote identification numbers of patents.
dc.identifier.pmcid PubMed Central reference number
dc.identifier.pmid PubMed reference number


Serial Item and Contribution Identifier

dc.identifier.slug 3


dc.identifier.uri 1

Uniform Resource Identifier. Permanent URL address. Automatically generated by DSpace


The language of the item. Use of dc.language.iso is recommended.


Current ISO standard for language of intellectual content. Use ISO 639-2(B) Code (alpha-3 code): http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/


Unused -- for describing the provenance of original document, use source (unqualified) or dc.source.provenance. Certain digital provenance is automated generated and captured in dc.description.provenance.


Entity responsible for the electronic publication, distribution, or imprint. (e.g. Rice University). For publisher of original document use dc.contributor.publisher.

dc.pubplace 3

Publication place of original document


References a related item. Qualified fields are recommended.


For list of qualifiers available for research datasets, please see Relation types for research data


References a physically or logically contained item.


References a later version.


References original source of the item.


References an additional physical form.


References a physically or logically containing item.


Series name and number for the item.


Identifies a resource that references the item.


References a succeeding item.


References an earlier version.


References another project.


Identifies a resource referenced in the item.


References a preceding item.


References a resource required to support function, delivery, or coherence of the item.




References Uniform Resource Identifier for related item.


Terms governing use and reproduction.

dcterms.accessRights Limited to:  "open access", "public domain", "restricted", "orphan work", or "Rice owned".


References terms governing use and reproduction.


A reference to a resource from which the digital resource is derived





dc.source.museum 3

Museum from which the digital representation was created.


For describing the provenance of the original document from which the digital resource is derived.

dc.source.uri 1

Do not use; only for harvested metadata.


A keyword or phrase that describes the content of the item.

dc.subject.adcat 3
Used primarily for Subway Advertisement Archive.

dc.subject.brand 3

Themes for Subway Advertisement collection


Local classification number, or classification number not defined by another field.

dc.subject.companynation 3
Used primarily for the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive collection.


Dewey Decimal Classification Number.

dc.subject.keyword Free text. Keyword. (default DSpace field)


Library of Congress Classification Number.


Library of Congress Subject Headings.

dc.subject.local 3

Controlled vocabulary. Used for broad subject themes from locally defined list of terms.


Medical Subject Headings.

dc.subject.period 3
Used for HART project to denote style/period metadata from Artstor.

dc.subject.prodcat 3

Subway advertisements product categories.

dc.subject.prodtype 3

Subway advertisements product types.


Main title for the item.


Alternative title for the item, such as a translated or abbreviated form of the title.

dc.title.series 3

Series title (Alternatively, may use dc.relation.ispartof or dc.relation.ispartofseries).


Secondary title.


Nature, genre, or form of content. Possible values include: Animation; Article; Book; Book chapter; Dataset; Learning Object; Image; Image, 3D; Map; Musical Score; Plan or blueprint; Preprint; Presentation; Recording, acoustical; Recording, oral; Software; Technical Report; Thesis; Video; Working Paper; Other.

dc.type.dcmi DCMI Type vocabulary term (Collection, Dataset, Event, Image, Interactive Resource, MovingImage, Physical Object, Service, Software, Sound, StillImage, or Text). http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/ 


Description of a particular style, form, or content. Example vocabularies include: MARC Value List for Genre Terms (http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/genre/genrelist.html). or Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT): http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/aat/list


dc.type.material 2

Characteristic and general type of content of the resource. Use DCMI Type vocabulary term (Collection, Dataset, Event, Image, Interactive Resource, Moving Image, Physical Object, Service, Software, Sound, Still Image, or Text).

dc.type.publication Used to denote pre/post-print types in faculty publications.
local.sword.agent to record source of sword submission (e.g. Biomed)
local.title.orderDisplay added local field for customizing Gallery Theme


Visual resources schema (add for HART collection)
vra.location Visual resources schema (add for HART collection)


Visual resources schema (add for HART collection)
vra.stylePeriod Visual resources schema (add for HART collection)
vra.workType Visual resources schema (add for HART collection)



 1 System generated data only (do not modify manually). This information is automatically generated after item has been submitted to the digital archive.

2 Element is used exclusively for theses and dissertations.

3 Element is used exclusively or in a specialized manner for certain collections.


Discontinued Elements

The following elements have either been discontinued for use in the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive, or are deprecated (not recommended) data fields. Suggestions for better data fields are included.


Element Action Notes
chao.data.regnalyear Currently no records with data in this field.  
dc.contributor.agency 3 Currently no records with data in this field. Used primarily for the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive collection.
dc.contributor.center Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.contributor.org
dc.contributor.creator Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.creator if no qualifier is needed or qualified dc.contributor.__ if specific role is needed  
Deprecated, do not use.  
dc.contributor.company 3 Currently no records with data in this field. Used primarily for the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive collection.
dc.contributor.other Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.contributor (unqualified).  
dc.creator.funder Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.contributor.funder  
dc.creator.photographer Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.contributor.photographer  
dc.creator.publisher Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.contributor.publisher  
dc.degree.discipline Deprecated, replaced by thesis.degree.discipline.  
dc.degree.grantor Deprecated, replaced by thesis.degree.grantor.  
dc.degree.name Deprecated, replaced by thesis.degree.name.  
dc.description.address 3 Currently no records with data in this field. Used primarily for the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive collection.
dc.provenance Deprecated, do not use.  
dc.publisher.original Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.contributor.publisher  
dc.source.description Deprecated, do not use.  
dc.source.format Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.format.medium  
dc.source.original Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.source.___ (qualifier recommended)  
dc.source.uri Deprecated, do not use.  
dc.subject.companynation 3 Currently no records with data in this field.
Used primarily for the Chinese Commercial Advertisement Archive collection.
dc.subject.controlled Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.subject.local for locally defined subject terms.  
dc.subject.other Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.subject  
dc.title.other Deprecated, do not use. Use dc.title.alternative or dc.title.subtitle  
local.author.orderDisplay Currently no records with data in this field. added for Faculty Publications to support Google Scholar High Wire Meta Tag [long author lists]
local.educational.resourceType Currently no records with data in this field. Included for open educational resources; no practical use case
local.rice.author Currently no records with data in this field.  
thesis.degree.college Currently no records with data in this field.  


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