Control Vocabularies for Thesis Degree Info

Office of Graduate Studies maintains the following vocabularies in the Vireo Electronic Theses and Dissertations System. These terms may be updated as needed. DSpace related metadata elements are shown in square brackets [ ].


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Embargo Types


Student must obtain the permission of the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to place an embargo on thesis. If student selects "none" no value is auto-populated in the dc.embargo.terms.



Programs of Study



Discipline is based on Graduate programs at Rice University.  The area of study is supplied by the graduate student. If dual degrees, student enters the primary program.


Architecture School of Architecture 
Business Jones Graduate School of Business 
Humanities School of Humanities
Engineering George R. Brown School of Engineering
Music Shepherd School of Music
Natural Sciences Wiess School of Natural Sciences
Social Sciences School of Social Science
  Interdisciplinary (Applied Physics)







Departments may change over time. For latest list, see collection filtered by department. See also:







Document Types


  1. Thesis (Doctoral)

  2. Thesis (Masters)


Graduation Months


  1. May

  2. December


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