
Indus Maintenance (redirected from Maintenance)

Page history last edited by Monica 5 years, 9 months ago


General Notes:

  • Auto Focus and Stitching configuration should not be needed once the equipment has been setup. However, if visual misalignment is apparent, please contact Indus technician for support in making these sorts of adjustments.


Daily or periodic maintenance:

  • Keep glass plate clean of dust and finger prints, especially on the bottom surface.

  • Turn off the scanner at the end of the day.




Monitor Calibration

Frequency: Monthly or if experience persistent color problems

Monitor calibration ensures the color rendered on screen matches the color actually captured.


TIPS: When calibrating a monitor try to ensure consistent viewing conditions:

  • ensure lights from lamps do not directly hit monitor (turn off overhead lights)

  • Lighting around workstation is consistent with scanning work lighting (Indus scanner should be turned on)

  • Do not manually adjust brightness or contrast controls on the monitor post calibration

  • Allow monitor to run at least 30 minutes to one hour prior to calibrating (to ensure running temperature)


1. Open Eye‐One Match software

2. Connect the Eye‐One Display apparatus to the computer and place on the monitor screen

3. Choose EASY mode, NOT ADVANCED, and follow on screen instructions

        • In Easy mode, the monitor is calibrated to Gamma2.2.


Monitor calibration background

Color matching with the naked eye is not an accurate or consistent method as various factors may influence color determination such as ambient lighting, an individual’s color perceptions and changes in the viewing environment. Therefore an objective calibration is necessary in order to determine how color is rendered on screen from the input devise (camera) and video card. The Eye-One Match, display 2 is a color measurement device (spectrophotometer) and software used to calibrate the monitor and create a monitor profile. It adjusts the actual monitor output to a standard color temperature and gamma setting for a consistent and accurate color capture. “Gretag Macbeth suggest that Eye-One Monitor is best suited to users who mainly work with images and graphics destined for use on the Internet or simple AV presentations.”1 Monitor calibration is should be preformed regularly.


Error Message(s)

Invalid gamma values. Please repeat the measurement.


pressed the device in the middle of the screen and held it there,
 the calibration went through successfully. 

if this issue becomes more prevalent, Fondren IT may install

diagnostics software to help troubleshoot the issue.




White Balance Normalization

Frequency: Monthly

  • Turn Scanner on and allow to warm up for 30 mins.

  • Physically place the “White normalization” board on the scanner closest to the front edge with two black lines facing up.

    • leave white board in place over book cradles  

  • Raise both front and back book cradle to the top

  • Open PROview software

  • From Main Menu, Select Scan to open Scan Dialog Box

  • In Open Scan Dialog Box, press OPTIONS button

  • In Options Dialog Box, Click the button “White Normalization” button. This will activate the automatic process to adjust the scanner. When process is completed, there should be a window with "OK" status.


Error Messages


  • ERROR 44 : shut down and try again later 
  • WARNING 144 : If Error Message appears indicating Low Light Level, lower the cradles so the white balance board is slightly away from the glass. This will allow a little more ambient light to shine in.




Auto Focus

Should only be performed by Indus technician or through Indus support.

Clicking on the button “Autofocus” will activate the automatic process to adjust the camera focus. Use same steps as white balance but use the “focus” template




Encountering a "Critical 61: Camera 1 failed" error message:

  1. Ensure scanner has been turned on and allowed to warm up for 30 minutes.
  2. Follow steps for a soft shutdown. Wait a few minutes and restart scanner.
  3. If error message persists, send message to Indus list-serv: Be sure to describe the problem and the steps you took.


Encountering a dark band of light on middle section of scan and/or a blown out middle section:

If you encounter a dark band of light on middle section of a prescan similar to this image (middle section is overblown and lines are blurred):



  1. Follow steps for a soft shutdown. Wait a few minutes and restart scanner.
  2. If error message persists, send message to Indus list-serv: Be sure to describe the problem and the steps you took.





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