
Indus Scanner Workflow Guide (redirected from Workflow)

Page history last edited by Monica 9 years ago






Turn on Indus scanner 30 minutes before scanning. Turn on steps


Tips for placing materials on book plates

  • Maximum scan size is 50 inches x 36 inches

  • Lower the book plates (see notes on control panel)

  • For Oversized materials

    • Use both plates. Place white board over both plates (this will help ensure the plates move together).

    • Use Black Poster Board as background

  • You may lock the back plate in place for smaller sized materials or to use the book cradle feature.

  • Book cradle (i.e. book-leveling plates) :

    • Plates can be moved horizontally for the height balancing

    • Manually separate the front plates to allow a book’s spine to rest in between the open plates. Depending on the thickness of the spine, the book plates should be spread or pushed together in order to secure an optimal position of the book.

    • Use foot pedal to raise the front plates, until physical contact of the open book pages are push flush against the glass plate. The book cradle allows positioning of pages to adjust automatically and to be pressed firmly to the glass.

    • Pressure and speed of pedals can be adjusted (see notes on Operating panel)

    • Scan books up to 9.24 inches (250 mm) thick and a maximum weight of 55 lbs. (25 kgs.)

  • Materials should be placed at least ¼ inch away from edge (This area closest to the edge is not captured in the scanning area)

  • Before scanning check to confirm page is firmly pressed against glass. (Some depth of field is possible with small 3-D objects)

  • TIP: on control panel, top left silver button (Book Contact Pressure), recommended value set to 5 


Scanning Steps


  • Open PROview software

    • Indus scanner must be on for the proview software to open  
  • Open Scan Dialog Box (From Main Menu, Select Scan>Scan)

The Scan Dialog Box is made up of three sections: Left side contains scanning settings (resolution, page dimensions, etc.), bottom section is where the image file name is setup, and the right side are functions (prescan, scan, setup jobs, etc.)



  1. Select BASIC Preset

  • From Preset down drop menu select BASIC.

  • The BASIC template provides recommended starter scanning settings :





Bit depth

full color


Image dimensions. “User 1” is set at maximum size for initial scan (50 inches by 36 inches ). Precise scanning area will be adjusted in following steps.

color mode

Base Brightness, Contrast and Gamma are set at recommended manufacture levels


  • Adjustments to any of these settings can be manually made and saved to a new template by pressing SAVE AS button and providing a new template name.


  1. Setup filenaming schema

  • Click on filename box to enter filename.

  • A “Scan filename” window will appear.

  • Use best practices for filenames (i.e. no spaces or special characters). Use underscore as separator for filename suffix (i.e. page number). Convention ### can be added to auto assign sequential numbers.

  • Save files to D Drive for initial scanning (when job is complete, then transfer files to Project server)

  • Placeholder is the number of digits in suffix (i.e. numbers added to the base file name. For example, a placeholder of 3 means “001” will be added to base filename (eg.wrc00001_001).

  • Example of filename appears in Next File box. Target directory can be changed by clicking on “directory” button.

  • For preservation scanning purposes, TIFF is the preferred file format. File extension should default to *.TIF ([please change to lower case extension, post scan)

  • Ignore middle section (counter, date, time). These settings relate to alternative methods for automating filenames, but are not typically used in local projects.


  1. Press the PRESCAN button

Clicking this button will launch a preliminary scan at low resolution. This function is for the purpose of adjusting scanning area. If placement of material is not as desired (e.g. pages are not aligned), adjust the physical placement and repress PRESCAN button.


  1. Press ROI button and Select area of scan (region of interest) by drawing a rectangle with the mouse.


Now have the option to scan a single image (Press SCAN button) or start a series of images (Press NEW JOB button)


  1. SCAN button

Clicking this button will start a scan at the selected ROI area. Scans are automatically saved to the hard drive.

  • To scan additional pages in the same object or at the same dimensions:

    • Physically switch pages, then

    • Press the yellow Footswitch to scan next image


  1. JOBS

TIP: Use this option if you are scanning a series of images of like settings (e.g. dimensions, resolution) and will not finish the job in one session.

Click on the NEW JOB button and provide a name (e.g. Autry Scrapbook or wrc00535). This will create a subfolder of the same name on the D Drive where all the images for this job will be saved.

You can save unique settings for a Job by pressing the PROCESS JOB button.

You can return to a JOB by pressing the OPEN JOB button and selection job name from popup menu.


  1. Never check “Active” under the Color Adjustment section. This causes gaps or blank lines to appear in the image captured.


Other tips

The RESCAN button will start a scan with the same file name.


Scanning Status isdisplayed in the State box. A short time may pass before the final version of an image is rendered on screen. Please check the State Box to determine if an image displayed is complete before proceeding to next step.



Positioning of the scanner head

The scanner becomes automatically positioned in accordance with the scan length put in. At end of scanning session, the scanner will remain at the last scan length position (will it automatically move to end? Do we care?)


Quality Review Steps

  • Zoom and Pan your image to visually confirm quality (color and focus).

    • Right mouse click over the image and draw a rectangle to custom select an area to zoom in on or…

    • Use plus and minus keys (+ / -) or…

    • Use buttons on the zoom-toolbar

    • Press the space bar to return to whole image view.

    • Focus tip: For highly dense visuals, may need to scan at 600ppi (for example of highly dense visual, see Americas Map). If focus is off, first run focus template check (see Maintenance) 

  • Check there is no stitching errors.

    • This check may only be necessary if the document being scanned spans the entire width of scan bed (e.g. materials placed on the scan bed passes across the A4 lines on the white board. The A4 positions are where the camera heads are located.)

  • NOTE: Once satisfied with the quality of the scanned image, you can make further minor edits (such as straightening or cropping) using Photoshop.


Quickly confirm scan settings by reviewing the Scan Settings Window located at bottom left of screen.


Make sure ICC Profile = Adobe RGB (1998)


More on Color management




File Management

Once all scans are complete, transfer image files to the Project Server. The local Indus workstation is not backed up.

There is a size limit of 300GB per main folder on the Project server.

Change all file extensions to lower case (*.tif)

NOTE: Files over 1GB in size must be tracked in the WRC Digi-object spreadsheet.


Shut down Indus scanner


  • Leave indus workstation on and logged in (this will allow remote login) 


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